-- mod_muc_peertubelivechat_terms -- -- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 John Livingston <https://www.john-livingston.fr/> -- SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only -- -- This file is AGPL-v3 licensed. -- Please see the Peertube livechat plugin copyright information. -- https://livingston.frama.io/peertube-plugin-livechat/credits/ -- -- Exposed functions: -- get_muc_terms -- set_muc_terms local jid_escape = require "util.jid".escape; local jid_resource = require "util.jid".resource; local st = require "util.stanza"; local id = require "util.id"; local datetime = require "util.datetime"; local service_nickname = module:get_option_string("muc_terms_service_nickname", "Service"); local global_terms = module:get_option_string("muc_terms_global", ""); local function create_terms_message(room, type, terms) -- Note: we can't send the message from "room.jid": XMPP clients such as Gajim would ignore them. -- So we use a service_nickname. local from = room.jid .. '/' .. jid_escape(service_nickname); module:log("debug", "Creating %s terms message from %s (room %s)", type, from, room); local msg = st.message({ type = "groupchat", from = from, id = id.medium() }, terms) :tag('x-livechat-terms', { type = type }):up() -- adding a custom tag to specify that it is a "terms" message, so that frontend can display it with a special template. :tag("delay", { xmlns = "urn:xmpp:delay", from = from, stamp = datetime.datetime() }):up(); -- adding a delay to trick the moderation bot (see below) -- concerning the delay tag: -- We are sending message to rooms from non-existant occupants. -- If the message contains something that should be moderated by the livechat moderation bot, -- it could generate some error logs (the bot will not find the user in the occupant list). -- At time of writing, the xmppjs-chat-bot ignore delayed message... so we use this hack to trick the bot. return msg; end -- MUC Getter/Setter function get_muc_terms(room) return room._data.livechat_muc_terms or nil; end function set_muc_terms(room, terms) if terms == "" then terms = nil; end if get_muc_terms(room) == terms then return false; end room._data.livechat_muc_terms = terms; if terms ~= nil then -- we must send new terms to all occupants. local msg = create_terms_message(room, "muc", terms); module:log("debug", "Broadcasting terms message to room %s", room); room:broadcast_message(msg); end return true; end -- send the terms when joining: local function send_terms(event) local origin = event.origin; local room = event.room; local occupant = event.occupant; if global_terms then module:log("debug", "Sending global terms to %s", occupant.jid); local msg = create_terms_message(room, "global", global_terms); msg.attr.to = occupant.jid; origin.send(msg); end local muc_terms = get_muc_terms(room); if muc_terms then local from = room.jid .. '/' .. jid_escape(service_nickname); module:log("debug", "Sending muc terms to %s", occupant.jid); local msg = create_terms_message(room, "muc", muc_terms); msg.attr.to = occupant.jid; origin.send(msg); end end -- Note: we could do that on muc-occupant-joined or muc-occupant-session-new. -- The first will not send it to multiple clients, the second will. -- After some reflexion, i will try muc-occupant-session-new, and see if it works as expected. module:hook("muc-occupant-session-new", send_terms); -- reserve the service_nickname: local function enforce_nick_policy(event) local origin, stanza = event.origin, event.stanza; local requested_nick = jid_resource(stanza.attr.to); local room = event.room; if not room then return; end if requested_nick == service_nickname then module:log("debug", "Occupant tried to use the %s reserved nickname, blocking it.", service_nickname); local reply = st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "conflict", nil, room.jid):up(); origin.send(reply); return true; end end module:hook("muc-occupant-pre-join", enforce_nick_policy); module:hook("muc-occupant-pre-change", enforce_nick_policy); -- security check: we must remove all "x-livechat-terms" tag, to be sure nobody tries to spoof terms! module:hook("muc-occupant-groupchat", function(event) event.stanza:maptags(function (child) if child.name == 'x-livechat-terms' then return nil; end return child; end); end, 100); -- don't save terms messages in history module:hook("muc-message-is-historic", function(event) local stanza = event.stanza; if (stanza:get_child("x-livechat-terms")) then return false, "hint"; end end, 1);