# Plugin Peertube Livechat administration ## Settings This section describes the plugin settings page. ### List existing rooms When pressing the «List rooms» button, all existing chatrooms will be listed. You can then find them and moderated them. ### Chat behaviour #### Room type You can choose here to have separate rooms for each video, or to group them by channel. #### Automatically open the chat If checked, the chat will be loaded as soon as you are on the video page. #### Show the «open in new window» button If your web chat tool can be opened in a full window, you can add a button to do so. If you are using an external web chat tool (see the chat mode «Use an external web chat tool»), maybe it will not work in fullscreen (for example if it needs to access the parent window to get video informations). You can disable this button by unchecking this settings. #### Show the «share chat link» button This feature enables a «share chat link» modal. With this modal, you can generate URLs to join the chat. The chat can be customized (readonly mode, use the current theme, ...). You can for example generate a readonly URL and use it in OBS to integrate the chat in your live stream! This settings allows you to choose who can access this modal. #### Chats are only available for local videos Peertube is a federated service. Plugins are only available on the server you are browsing. So, if you are watching a remote video, only you will have the webchat, not users from remote instances. Therefore, this options is checked by default and prevent displaying a webchat for remote videos. #### Users can activate the chat for their lives If checked, all live videos will have a checkbox in their properties for enabling the web chat. The video owner will be able to activate web chats. #### Activate chat for all lives The chat will be available for all Peertube live videos on your instance. #### Activate chat for all non-lives The chat will be available for all Peertube video that are not live. #### Activate chat for these videos You can choose some UUIDs for which the chat will be available. If you don't want te enable the feature for all videos, you can use this field to list videos UUIDs. You can add comments: everything rights to the # character will be stripped off, as for empty lines. #### Hide the chat for anonymous users If checked, anonymous Peertube users won't see the chat. Note: for now this feature simply hide the chat. In a future release, the chat will be replaced by a message saying «please log in to [...]». See [v5.7.0 Release Notes](https://github.com/JohnXLivingston/peertube-plugin-livechat/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md#570) for more information. ### Theming #### ConverseJS theme You can choose which theme to use for ConverseJS: - Peertube theme: this is a special theme, made especially for peertube's integration. - Default ConverseJS theme: this is the default ConverseJS theme. - ConverseJS concord theme: this is a theme provided by ConverseJS. #### Automatic color detection Try to auto detect colors from user's current theme. When this settings is enabled, the plugin tries to auto-detect colors to apply to the chat theme. If this is not correctly working for some of your Peertube theme, you can disable this option. #### Webchat iframe style attribute You can add some custom styles that will be added to the iframe. For example a custom width: ```width:400px;``` ### Chat server advanced settings #### Use system Prosody The plugin comes with an AppImage that is used to run the [Prosody XMPP server](https://prosody.im). If this AppImage is not working, you can fallback to the Prosody that is packaged for your server. Just install the `prosody` package. This settings should only be used if the plugin is broken, and waiting for a patch. #### Prosody port This is the port that the Prosody server will use. By default it is set to 52800. If you want to use another port, just change the value here. #### Peertube URL for API calls In some rare cases, Prosody can't call Peertube's API from its public URI. If you have such issues (see the diagnostic tool result), you can try to set the value of this settings to `http://localhost:9000` or `` (supposing your Peertube is listening on port `9000`. Check that in your Peertube `config/production.yaml` file). #### Log rooms content by default If checked, room content will be archived on the server by default. This means that users who join the chan will see messages sent before they have joined. Please note that it is always possible to enable/disable the content logging for a specific room, by editing its properties. #### Room logs expiration You can set here the expiration delay for room logs. See the online help for accepted values. #### Enable client to server connections This setting enable XMPP clients to connect to the builtin Prosody server. For now, this option **only allows connections from localhost clients**. As example, this option can allow an instance of Matterbridge (once it could use anonymous login) *on the same machine* to bridge your chat with another services like a Matrix room. ##### Prosody client to server port The port that will be used by the c2s module of the builtin Prosody server. XMPP clients shall use this port to connect. Change it if this port is already in use on your server. #### Enable external XMPP components This settings enable XMPP external components to connect to the server. For now, this option **only allows connections from localhost components**. This feature could be used to connect bridges or bots. More informations on Prosody external components [here](https://prosody.im/doc/components). ## Advanced usages ### Using Matterbridge Here is a tutorial to use Matterbridge with the plugin: