// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 John Livingston <https://www.john-livingston.fr/> // // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import type { RegisterServerOptions } from '@peertube/peertube-types' import type { Router, Request, Response, NextFunction } from 'express' import { videoHasWebchat } from '../../../../shared/lib/video' import { asyncMiddleware } from '../../middlewares/async' import { getCheckAPIKeyMiddleware } from '../../middlewares/apikey' import { Affiliations, getVideoAffiliations, getChannelAffiliations } from '../../prosody/config/affiliations' import { fillVideoCustomFields } from '../../custom-fields' import { getChannelInfosById } from '../../database/channel' import { RoomChannel } from '../../room-channel' import { getChannelConfigurationOptions, getDefaultChannelConfigurationOptions } from '../../configuration/channel/storage' import { Emojis } from '../../emojis' // See here for description: https://modules.prosody.im/mod_muc_http_defaults.html interface RoomDefaults { config: { name: string description: string language?: string persistent?: boolean public?: boolean members_only?: boolean allow_member_invites?: boolean public_jids?: boolean // subject_from: string // subject: string changesubject?: boolean // historylength: number moderated?: boolean archiving?: boolean // Following fields are specific to livechat (for now), and requires a customized version for mod_muc_http_defaults. slow_mode_duration?: number mute_anonymous?: boolean livechat_emoji_only?: boolean livechat_custom_emoji_regexp?: string livechat_muc_terms?: string moderation_delay?: number anonymize_moderation_actions?: boolean } affiliations?: Affiliations } async function _getChannelSpecificOptions ( options: RegisterServerOptions, channelId: number ): Promise<Partial<RoomDefaults['config']>> { const channelOptions = await getChannelConfigurationOptions(options, channelId) ?? getDefaultChannelConfigurationOptions(options) const customEmojisRegexp = await Emojis.singletonSafe()?.getChannelCustomEmojisRegexp(channelId) return { slow_mode_duration: channelOptions.slowMode.duration, mute_anonymous: channelOptions.mute.anonymous, livechat_custom_emoji_regexp: customEmojisRegexp, livechat_muc_terms: channelOptions.terms, moderation_delay: channelOptions.moderation.delay, anonymize_moderation_actions: channelOptions.moderation.anonymize } } /** * Instanciate the route for room APIs. * These APIs are used by Prosody to get room defaults from the Peertube server. * @param options server register options */ async function initRoomApiRouter (options: RegisterServerOptions, router: Router): Promise<void> { const logger = options.peertubeHelpers.logger router.get('/room', asyncMiddleware([ getCheckAPIKeyMiddleware(options), async (req: Request, res: Response, _next: NextFunction) => { const jid: string = req.query.jid as string || '' logger.info(`Requesting room information for room '${jid}'.`) const settings = await options.settingsManager.getSettings([ 'prosody-room-type' ]) // Now, we have two different room type: per video or per channel. if (settings['prosody-room-type'] === 'channel') { const matches = jid.match(/^channel\.(\d+)$/) if (!matches?.[1]) { logger.warn(`Invalid channel room jid '${jid}'.`) res.sendStatus(403) return } const channelId = parseInt(matches[1]) const channelInfos = await getChannelInfosById(options, channelId) if (!channelInfos) { logger.warn(`Channel ${channelId} not found`) res.sendStatus(403) return } let affiliations: Affiliations try { affiliations = await getChannelAffiliations(options, channelId) } catch (error) { logger.error(`Failed to get channel affiliations for ${channelId}:`, error) // affiliations: should at least be {}, so that the first user will not be moderator/admin affiliations = {} } const roomDefaults: RoomDefaults = { config: Object.assign( { name: channelInfos.displayName, description: '' // subject: channelInfos.displayName }, await _getChannelSpecificOptions(options, channelId) ), affiliations } RoomChannel.singleton().link(channelId, jid) res.json(roomDefaults) } else { // FIXME: @peertube/peertype-types@4.2.2: wrongly considere video as MVideoThumbnail. const video = await options.peertubeHelpers.videos.loadByIdOrUUID(jid) if (!video) { logger.warn(`Video ${jid} not found`) res.sendStatus(403) return } // Adding the custom fields and data: await fillVideoCustomFields(options, video) // check settings (chat enabled for this video?) const settings = await options.settingsManager.getSettings([ 'chat-per-live-video', 'chat-all-lives', 'chat-all-non-lives', 'chat-videos-list' ]) if (!videoHasWebchat({ 'chat-per-live-video': !!settings['chat-per-live-video'], 'chat-all-lives': !!settings['chat-all-lives'], 'chat-all-non-lives': !!settings['chat-all-non-lives'], 'chat-videos-list': settings['chat-videos-list'] as string }, video)) { logger.warn(`Video ${jid} has not chat activated`) res.sendStatus(403) return } let affiliations: Affiliations try { affiliations = await getVideoAffiliations(options, video) } catch (error) { logger.error(`Failed to get video affiliations for ${video.uuid}:`, error) // affiliations: should at least be {}, so that the first user will not be moderator/admin affiliations = {} } const roomDefaults: RoomDefaults = { config: Object.assign( { name: video.name, description: '', language: video.language // subject: video.name }, await _getChannelSpecificOptions(options, video.channelId) ), affiliations } RoomChannel.singleton().link(video.channelId, jid) res.json(roomDefaults) } } ])) } export { initRoomApiRouter }