#| msgid "If you have any question, or if you want to talk about this plugin, you can join this XMPP room with any Jabber client: [plugin-livechat-support@room.im.yiny.org](xmpp:plugin-livechat-support@room.im.yiny.org?join).\n"
msgid "If you have any question, or if you want to talk about this plugin, you can join this XMPP room with any Jabber client: [plugin-livechat-support@room.im.yiny.org](xmpp:plugin-livechat-support@room.im.yiny.org?join)."
msgstr "Si tiene alguna pregunta o si desea hablar sobre este plugin, puede unirse a esta sala XMPP con cualquier cliente Jabber.: [plugin-livechat-support@room.im.yiny.org](xmpp:plugin-livechat-support@room.im.yiny.org?join).\n"
#| msgid "If you want to support the project financially, you can contact me by mail at git.[at].john-livingston.fr, or check my [Liberapay profile](https://liberapay.com/JohnLivingston/).\n"
msgid "If you want to support the project financially, you can contact me by mail at git.[at].john-livingston.fr, or check my [Liberapay profile](https://liberapay.com/JohnLivingston/)."
msgstr "Si quieres apoyar financieramente el proyecto, puedes contactarme por correo electrónico en git.[at].john-livingston.fr, or check my [Liberapay profile](https://liberapay.com/JohnLivingston/).\n"
#| "This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant](https://www.contributor-covenant.org), version 2.1, available at [https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/2/1/code_of_conduct.html](https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/2/1/code_of_conduct.html).\n"
#| "Translations are available at [https://www.contributor-covenant.org/translations](https://www.contributor-covenant.org/translations).\n"
#| "Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported to the community leaders responsible for enforcement by mail at git.[at].john-livingston.fr.\n"
msgid "This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant](https://www.contributor-covenant.org), version 2.1, available at [https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/2/1/code_of_conduct.html](https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/2/1/code_of_conduct.html). Translations are available at [https://www.contributor-covenant.org/translations](https://www.contributor-covenant.org/translations). Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported to the community leaders responsible for enforcement by mail at git.[at].john-livingston.fr."
"Este Código de Conducta es una adaptación del [Contributor Covenant](https://www.contributor-covenant.org), version 2.1, disponible en [https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/2/1/code_of_conduct.html](https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/2/1/code_of_conduct.html).\n"
"Las traducciones están a disposición en [https://www.contributor-covenant.org/translations](https://www.contributor-covenant.org/translations).\n"
"Los casos de comportamiento abusivo, acosador o inaceptable se pueden informar a los líderes de la comunidad responsables de la aplicación por correo en git.[at].john-livingston.fr.\n"
msgid "Always talk about features you want to develop by creating/finding and commenting the issue tackling your problem before you start working on it, and inform the community that you begin coding by claiming the issue."
msgid "The plugin needs to build an AppImage for the Prosody XMPP server. It appears that the way this AppImage is build requires `apt` and `dpkg` commands. So it will only work \"out of the box\" on Debian-like systems. If you are using another Linux distribution, you can try to install `apt` and `dpkg` manually. See for example this [Github issue](https://github.com/JohnXLivingston/peertube-plugin-livechat/issues/200). We will provide another solution as soon as possible."
msgid "These dependencies were tested on a Debian Bullseye. If there is some dependencies issues on your UNIX/Linux system, please open an issue on Github."
msgid "Once you are ready to show your code to ask for feedback, submit a *draft* Pull Request. Once you are ready for a code review before merge, submit a Pull Request. In any case, please link your PR to the issues it solves by using the GitHub syntax: \"fixes #issue_number\"."
msgid "For general instructions (developping plugins, building, installation, ...), please refer to the [Peertube documentation](https://docs.joinpeertube.org/contribute-plugins?id=write-a-plugintheme)."
msgid "This plugin uses ESBuild for frontend code generation, as the official `peertube-plugin-quickstart` plugin. ESBuild can handle Typescript, but does not check types (see [ESBuild documentation](https://esbuild.github.io/content-types/#typescript)). That's why we first compile Typescript with the `-noEmit` option, just to check types (`check:client:ts` in package.json file). Then, if everything is okay, we run ESBuild to generate the compiled javascript."
msgid "There is a debug mode for this plugin, that shorten some delay. For example, some log files will rotate every two minutes, instead of once per day. This permit to test more easily certain actions, for which it could normally take hours or days to wait."
msgid "To enable this mode, you juste have to create the `/var/www/peertube/storage/plugins/data/peertube-plugin-livechat/debug_mode` file (replacing `/var/www/peertube/storage/` by the correct path on your installation)."
msgid "The simple existence of this file is sufficient to trigger the debug mode. To make sure it's taken into account, you can restart your Peertube instance."
msgid "This file can contain some JSON to enable more advanced options. To have a list of existing parameters, check `server/lib/debug.ts`. Restart Peertube after each content modification."
msgid "When debug mode is enabled, you can restart Prosody using this API call: `http://your_instance.tld/plugins/livechat/router/api/restart_prosody`. This call don't need any authentificaiton. It can be done from a command line, for example using `curl http://your_instance.tld/plugins/livechat/router/api/restart_prosody`."
msgid "For Prosody to connect to the debugger, call the API `http://your_instance.tld/plugins/livechat/router/api/restart_prosody?debugger=true`. This call does not need any authentication. It can be done from a command line, for example with `curl http://your_instance.tld/plugins/livechat/router/api/restart_prosody?debugger=true`. You can even configure your debug server to launch this request automatically."
msgid "There is a tutorial, in french, on the [Peertube forum](https://framacolibri.org/t/tutoriel-creer-un-environnement-de-developpement-de-plugin-peertube-rapidement-en-utilisant-docker-et-qui-permet-de-tester-la-federation/17631) that explains how to quickly build a dev env using Docker."
msgid "Note: for an unknown reason, Prosody can't resolve containers DNS address when using the lua-unbound library. There is a dirty hack in the plugin: just create a `/data/plugins/data/peertube-plugin-livechat/no_lua_unbound` file in your docker-volumes, then restart containers."
msgid "Always inform the community before working (by creating a new issue, or commenting an existing one). This is to avoid that two persons are working on the same thing, and prevent conflicts."
msgid "When a new plugin version is released, or when documentation is updated, plugin maintainers will merge the `main` branch to the `documentation` branch. This will trigger github and gitlab pipelines, and update published documentation."
msgid "Documentation is translated using Weblate (see the [translation documentation](/peertube-plugin-livechat/contributing/translate/)). To do so, we use the [po4a tool](https://po4a.org/), as we will se later in this page."
msgid "Then open your browser on the address [http://localhost:1313/peertube-plugin-livechat/](http://localhost:1313/peertube-plugin-livechat/). This page will automatically refresh on each modification."
msgid "For now, you only have the english version. To update documentation strings, and generate translations, you have to run the `doc-translate.sh` script."
msgid "Some linux distro (like Debian Bullseye for example) have too old version of `po4a`. Please make sure to install a compatible version. If you are using Debian Bullseye for example, you can download the Bookworm po4a.deb file from [https://packages.debian.org](https://packages.debian.org/bookworm/all/po4a/download), and install it manually."
msgid "Then, before commiting, always run `npm run doc:translate`, so that changes in english files can be propagated to the `support/documentation/po/livechat.en.pot` file."
msgid "You can use the `livechat_label` short code to use application strings. See here: [Documentation translation](/peertube-plugin-livechat/contributing/translate/#documentation-translation)."
msgid "It is possible to prevent a file from beeing translating, using `livechatnotranslation: true` in the Yaml Font Matter section. See here: [Documentation translation](/peertube-plugin-livechat/contributing/translate/#documentation-translation)."
msgid "Please use the `livechatnotranslation` option for technical documentation. We don't want technical documentation to be translated, to avoid issues because of a wrong translation."
msgid "Avoid adding line breaks in middle of a sentence. But add a line break after each sentence in a paragraph. This is to facilitate the work for translators: so then can easily check that they don't miss a sentence when translating a parapraph."
msgid "You don't need to know how to code to start contributing to this plugin! Other contributions are very valuable too, among which: you can test the software and report bugs, you can give feedback, features that you are interested in, user interface, design, ..."
msgid "[package.json](https://github.com/JohnXLivingston/peertube-plugin-livechat/blob/main/package.json), [COPYRIGHT](https://github.com/JohnXLivingston/peertube-plugin-livechat/blob/main/COPYRIGHT.md) and [LICENSE](https://github.com/JohnXLivingston/peertube-plugin-livechat/blob/main/LICENSE) files contain the license information for this software and its dependencies."
msgid "Thanks to David Revoy for his work on Peertube's mascot, [Sepia](https://www.davidrevoy.com/index.php?tag/peertube). The character design is under CC-By licence, and the SVG files used to create some logo and avatars in this plugin are GPLv3.0."
msgid "Thanks to [Framasoft](https://framasoft.org) for making [Peertube](https://joinpeertube.org/) possible, for the financial support, and for hosting the project translations on their [Weblate instance](https://weblate.framasoft.org)."
msgid "Here is a tutorial to use Matterbridge with the plugin: <https://gitlab.com/refrac/obs-matterbridge-overlay/-/blob/master/documentation/peertube.md>"
msgid "This chat module is based on the XMPP protocol, also known as Jabber. It is therefore possible to connect to the chats using [XMPP client software](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XMPP#Clients). This can for example be useful to facilitate moderation operations."
msgid "For the user documentation associated with these features, please refer to the [user documentation page](/peertube-plugin-livechat/documentation/user/xmpp_clients/)."
msgid "Enabling these features requires configuration changes on the server, and on the DNS records. It is not possible to configure this only from the Peertube interface, and it requires some basic system some basic system admin skills."
msgid "To enable this feature, you will need to set up your server and DNS records, so that XMPP clients can find and access the [Prosody server](https://prosody.im) that this plugin uses internally."
msgid "Start by going to the livechat plugin settings of your instance, then enable the setting \"Enable connection to room using external XMPP accounts\". By checking this settings, new settings appear below."
msgid "First of all, the \"Prosody server to server port\" field. This one defaults to 5269, which is the standard port for this service. You can however change to another port, if this is already in use on your server."
msgid "Next, the field \"Server to server network interfaces\" field allows you to specify which network interfaces the server should listen on. The default value \"*, ::\" indicates to listen on all IP addresses. You can change these values, if you wish to listen on only certain IP addresses. The syntax is explained next to the setting."
msgid "For the \"Certificate folder\" setting, you can leave it empty. In this case, the plugin will automatically generate self-signed certificates. Some XMPP servers may refuse to connect, depending on their configuration. In this case, you can indicate here a path on the server, in which you must place certificates to be used by the module. It is up to you to generate and renew them. See bellow for more information."
msgid "If you are using Docker for your Peertube, you need to modify the `docker-compose.yml` file to open port 5269 of the `peertube` container, so that the outer world can connect to it."
msgid "If you are **not using the standard `5269` port**, you must also add a SRV record for `_xmpp-server._tcp.your_instance.tld.` (same as above, just without the `room.` prefix). Of course, you can also add this record if you use the standard port. It will also work."
msgid "It is possible to use certificates validated by a certification authority. However, this requires advanced system administration knowledge. Indeed, due to the multitude of possible use cases, it is impossible to document all situations here. This documentation will therefore only explain the goal to be reached, and give an example which will only be suitable for a \"basic\" situation (manual installation of Peertube, using letsencrypt). If you are in another situation (Docker installation, certificates signed by another authority, etc...), you will have to adapt this approach by yourself."
msgid "It is up to you to generate valid certificates for domains `your_instance.tld` and `room.your_instance.tld`. You can use any [method supported by Prosody](https://prosody.im/doc/certificates)."
msgid "You must then place these certificates in a folder that will be accessible to the `peertube` user, and specify this folder in the plugin setting \"Certificate folder\"."
msgid "If you want to use the ProsodyCtl utility to import certificates, this utility is available (once Peertube is started) using the following command (adapting the path to your Peertube data folder, and replacing \"xxx\" with the arguments you wish to pass to prosodyctl): `sudo -u peertube /var/www/peertube/storage/plugins/data/peertube-plugin-livechat/prosodyAppImage/squashfs-root/AppRun prosodyctl xxx`"
msgid "We assume here that your Peertube installation is \"classic\" (no use of Docker), and that the certificates are generated by letsencrypt, using the certbot tool."
msgid "First of all, we'll have to create a certificate for the subdomain `room.your_instance.tld` : this is the uri of the MUC (XMPP chat rooms) component. Even if the connections are made on `your_instance.tld`, we will need a valid certificate for this subdomain."
msgid "So start by setting up a DNS entry for `room.your_instance.tld`, which points to your server. You can use a CNAME entry (or an A entry and a AAAA entry)."
msgid "Next, we'll use nginx (already installed for your Peertube) to generate the certbot certificate. We will create a new site. In the file `/etc/nginx/site-available/room.peertube`, add:"
msgid "Then we prepare the folder in which we will later import the certificates. We assume here that you already have the plugin active. We will create the following folder (if it doesn't already exist), with the user `peertube` to make sure there are no permissions issues:"
msgid "Now you have to configure this folder in the plugin settings, for the parameter \"Certificate folders\". It's important to do this now, otherwise the certificate import script will put the certificates in the wrong folder."
msgid "We will configure certbot to import the generated certificates into the Prosody folder. We can use the ProsodyCtl utility packaged in the plugin."
msgid "First, ensure you create a DNS entry for `room.your_instance.tld`, which points to your server. You can use a CNAME entry (or an A entry and a AAAA entry). This is necessary for Let's Encrypt to validate the domain for certificate generation."
msgid "Please enter the domain name(s) you would like on your certificate (comma and/or space separated) (Enter 'c' to cancel): room.your_instance.tld\n"
msgid "Run the below command inside the certbot container to give read access to the new certs and private keys to the peertube group. *Note*: This will also make the files readable to the group with id 999 on the host system. Check the groups on your system to assess this as a risk before running this command."
msgid "Modify your `docker-compose.yml` file, changing the `entrypoint` line under the `certbot` service to the following. This is the same as the above, but to be automatically executed after every certificate renewal."
msgid "If you can't make it work, you can use the diagnostic tool (there is a button on top of the plugin settings page), and take a close look on the «Prosody check» section."
msgid "This feature enables a «share chat link» modal. With this modal, you can generate URLs to join the chat. The chat can be customized (readonly mode, use the current theme, ...)."
msgid "Note: for now this feature simply hide the chat. In a future release, the chat will be replaced by a message saying «please log in to [...]». See [v5.7.0 Release Notes](https://github.com/JohnXLivingston/peertube-plugin-livechat/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md#570) for more information."
msgid "The plugin comes with an AppImage that is used to run the [Prosody XMPP server](https://prosody.im). If this AppImage is not working, you can fallback to the Prosody that is packaged for your server. Just install the `prosody` package."
msgid "This setting enable XMPP clients to connect to the built-in Prosody server. For now, this option **only allows connections from localhost clients**."
msgid "As example, this option can allow an instance of Matterbridge (once it could use anonymous login) *on the same machine* to bridge your chat with another services like a Matrix room."
msgid "This settings enable XMPP external components to connect to the server. For now, this option **only allows connections from localhost components**."
msgid "You can then disable the service that starts automatically when you install Prosody (the plugin will launch a Prosody process, there is no need for the service to run). For example, on Debian/Ubuntu (and other Systemd based linux distributions):"
msgid "You will have to generate a Peertube image that includes Prosody in the same container that Peertube. I know this is not the standard way to do this with Docker, but keep in mind it is a temporary workaround."
msgid "But it may be removed in a near feature (to avoid drawbacks of this method). I have to discuss with Yunohost team, to decide how we can do to minimize drawbacks, and maximize compatibility."
msgid "Before updating to a major release, please read the release notes and breaking changes list : [CHANGELOG](https://github.com/JohnXLivingston/peertube-plugin-livechat/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)."
msgid "All instance moderators and admins will be owner of created chat rooms. If the video is local (not from a remote Peertube), the video owner will be admin in the chat room."
msgid "You can use [ConverseJS moderation commands](https://conversejs.org/docs/html/features.html#moderating-chatrooms) to moderate the room. When you open the chat room in full screen, there will also be a menu with dedicated commands on the top right."
msgid "You can use the «share chat link» feature to generate an URL to your chat. The button should be near the chat if you are the video owner (unless it was desactivated by your server admins)."
msgid "You can use the «Transparent background» to have a transparent background in OBS. If you want to customize the background transparency, you can add this CSS in your OBS browser source's settings:"
msgid "Note: you can customize colors. This is undocumented yet, but you can try this: in the modal, check «use curent theme colors», then you can try to manually change color values in the URL. You must use valid CSS color values, and they must be properly URL encoded."
msgid "You can use the [social_stream browser extension](https://github.com/steveseguin/social_stream#readme) to mix multiple chat source (from Peertube, Twitch, Youtube, Facebook, ...) and include their contents in your live stream. The compatibility with this plugin was added in recent versions."
msgid "This chat plugin relies on the XMPP protocol (also known as Jabber). It is therefore possible to connect to the chats using [XMPP client software](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XMPP#Clients). This can be useful for example to facilitate moderation operations."
msgid "The features described on this page must be enabled and configured by your Peertube instance's administrators. You may therefore not have access to them."
msgid "By default, the share button is only visible to the owner of the video, and the admins/moderators of the instance. However, admins can decide to display this button for everyone."
msgid "You can use the language selector in the left menu to view this documentation in different languages. Some translations are missing or incomplete. In this case, you'll see the English version of the text."
msgid "If you have new feature requests, bugs, or difficulties to setup the plugin, you can use the [Github issue tracker](https://github.com/JohnXLivingston/peertube-plugin-livechat/issues). If possible, try using english or french."