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2024-05-23 09:42:14 +00:00
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 John Livingston <>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
import { api } from '@converse/headless/index.js'
import { CustomElement } from 'shared/components/element.js'
import { tplExternalLoginModal } from 'templates/livechat-external-login-modal.js'
import { __ } from 'i18n'
export default class LivechatExternalLoginContentElement extends CustomElement {
static get properties () {
return {
external_auth_oidc_alert_message: { type: String, attribute: false },
remote_peertube_state: { type: String, attribute: false },
remote_peertube_alert_message: { type: String, attribute: false },
remote_peertube_try_anyway_url: { type: String, attribute: false },
remote_peertube_open_failed_url: { type: String, attribute: false }
constructor () {
this.remote_peertube_state = 'init'
render () {
return tplExternalLoginModal(this, {
external_auth_oidc_alert_message: this.external_auth_oidc_alert_message,
remote_peertube_state: this.remote_peertube_state,
remote_peertube_alert_message: this.remote_peertube_alert_message,
remote_peertube_try_anyway_url: this.remote_peertube_try_anyway_url,
remote_peertube_open_failed_url: this.remote_peertube_open_failed_url
onRemotePeertubeKeyUp (_ev) {
if (this.remote_peertube_state !== 'init') {
this.remote_peertube_state = 'init'
this.remote_peertube_alert_message = ''
async openRemotePeertube (ev) {
const remotePeertubeUrl =
if (!remotePeertubeUrl) { return }
this.remote_peertube_state = 'loading'
try {
// Calling Peertube API to check if livechat plugin is available.
// In the meantime, this will also check that the URL exists, and is a Peertube instance
// (or something with similar API result... as the user typed the url, we assume there is no security risk here).
const configApiUrl = new URL('/api/v1/config', remotePeertubeUrl)
const config = await (await fetch(configApiUrl.toString())).json()
if (!config || typeof config !== 'object') {
throw new Error('Invalid config API result')
if (!('plugin' in config) || !('registered' in config.plugin) || !Array.isArray(config.plugin.registered)) {
throw new Error('No registered plugin in config API result')
if (!config.plugin.registered.find(p => p.npmName === 'peertube-plugin-livechat')) {
console.error('Plugin livechat not available on remote instance')
this.remote_peertube_state = 'error'
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
this.remote_peertube_alert_message = __(LOC_login_remote_peertube_no_livechat)
// Note: we do not check if the livechat plugin disables federation (neither on current or remote instance).
// We assume this is not a standard use case, and we don't want to add to much use cases.
// Now we must search the current video on the remote instance, to be sure it federates, and to get the url.
// Note: url search can be disabled on remote instance for non logged in users...
// As we are not authenticated on remote here, there are chances that the search wont return anything.
// As a fallback, we will launch another search with the video UUID.
// And if no result neither, we will just propose to open using the lazy-load page.
const videoUrl = api.settings.get('livechat_peertube_video_original_url')
const videoUUID = api.settings.get('livechat_peertube_video_uuid')
for (const search of [videoUrl, videoUUID]) {
if (!search) { continue }
// searching first on federation network, then on vidiverse (this could be disabled)
for (const searchTarget of ['local', 'search-index']) {
const searchAPIUrl = new URL('/api/v1/search/videos', remotePeertubeUrl)
searchAPIUrl.searchParams.append('start', '0')
searchAPIUrl.searchParams.append('count', 1)
searchAPIUrl.searchParams.append('search', search)
searchAPIUrl.searchParams.append('searchTarget', searchTarget)
const videos = null // await (await fetch(searchAPIUrl.toString())).json()
if (videos && Array.isArray( && > 0 &&[0].uuid) {
console.log('Video found, opening on remote instance')
this.remote_peertube_state = 'ok'
const url = new URL(
'/videos/watch/' + encodeURIComponent([0].uuid), remotePeertubeUrl
console.error('Video not found on remote instance')
this.remote_peertube_state = 'error'
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
this.remote_peertube_alert_message = __(LOC_login_remote_peertube_video_not_found)
this.remote_peertube_try_anyway_url = new URL(
'/search/lazy-load-video;url=' + encodeURIComponent(videoUrl),
} catch (err) {
this.remote_peertube_state = 'error'
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
this.remote_peertube_alert_message = __(LOC_login_remote_peertube_url_invalid)
openUrlTargetTop (url) {
try {
// can fail when in an iframe that restricts some operations
// (when embeding the chat in a website).
// So, we must try/catch, and propose an alternative open method., '_top')
} catch (e) {
this.remote_peertube_state = 'error'
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
this.remote_peertube_alert_message = __(LOC_login_remote_peertube_video_open_failed)
this.remote_peertube_open_failed_url = url
this.remote_peertube_try_anyway_url = ''
clearAlert () {
this.external_auth_oidc_alert_message = ''
this.remote_peertube_alert_message = ''
this.remote_peertube_try_anyway_url = ''
this.remote_peertube_open_failed_url = ''
api.elements.define('converse-livechat-external-login-content', LivechatExternalLoginContentElement)